The YouTube link for the worship livestream is below. Clink on the link, and once on our page, click on the word "LIVE" and you'll be connected to our live broadcast. If you want to watch later in the day, you clink on this same link and follow the same process.
Lunch in the Lounge
Each Wednesday from 12-1pm.
Starts Wednesday February 5th. Bring a brown bag lunch and come hang out with Pastor Nick and others from the church and our local community. The coffee pot will be on, and our doors will be open to all for coffee, conversation, and companionship!
Men’s Breakfast
On the 2nd Saturday of each month, we will gather at 8am at the 76 Diner in Latham for our new Men’s Breakfast. Our first breakfast will be Saturday February 8th!
Come and bring a friend. All are welcome!
Upcoming Worship Themes:
1st Sunday/Communion Sunday:
We will engage more fully in the communion liturgy as Brandon teaches us the sung responses to the Prayer of Thanksgiving. We will be ready to sing the parts on Sunday October 6.
2nd Sunday/Mission Sunday:
Following the sermon, we will have a “Mission Moment”, which will include a conversation about a specific mission focus for the month, and a mission project that we will complete right during worship!
3rd Sunday/Peace with Justice Sunday:
We will begin to focus on our Reconciling and Anti-Racism work, and take a moment during this service to engage in conversation and activism around this important work.
4th Sunday/Youth Sunday:
Young people will take on worship leadership roles during this service, and our Children’s Church kids will share a song, or a skit, or something relevant to their experience here at NUMC.
5th Sunday/Variety of Voices Sunday:
Guest preachers will share their wisdom and experiences with us on the months that have a 5th Sunday. We will look to bring in folks with diverse backgrounds and experiences.
Our 2025 Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, April 12th. Start saving your no-longer-needed treasures!
Brooks Barbecue dates for 2025:
Thursday, May 8
Thursday, June 5
Thursday, September 11
Thursday, October 2
Prices are:
Chicken dinner $16
Chicken only $9
If you are willing and able, we can always use help on prep days and the day of the barbecue. Another easy way to support this fund raiser is to bake brownies. Boxes of mix and instructions will be available in the GK Lounge the week of the barbecues.
Sunday School is now called Children’s Church! During this time our young people will experience church, but on a kid’s level…they will meet in Room 4, immediately following the Children's Message, where they will worship with music and video to learn a new song each week, then they will listen a bible story from an age- appropriate translation and do a fun activity in response to the reading. Sunday school elements, but in a slightly different format. It will take us all a while to have Children’s Church roll off of our tongues, but we pray that the new name and format will help grow our program!
We are looking for volunteers to help out in Children's Church. You will not have to teach every week, you will be added to a rotation schedule. The curriculum, activity and schedule will be prepared ahead of time by Stephanie Ramkissoon, the Coordinator of Youth and Family Ministries. The volunteers are in charge of administering the lesson plan and aiding the youth in the activity. See Stephanie if you should have any questions!
[email protected]
Our new Youth Zone program is for teens in grades 6-12. Twice a month during coffee hour, Stephanie and other volunteers are gathering with the youth in the youth room for games and snacks, and opportunities to build community together. The kids have given it rave reviews thus far, and we hope to begin having Youth Zone every week.
If you have never checked out our Zoom Bible Study on Wednesday evenings, we encourage you to give it a try! We gather on Zoom at 7pm, and begin with an opening prayer, a few minutes of silence, a song, and then we have a group conversation about the scripture lessons for the upcoming weekend. We often end with a video clip about a contemporary theological idea, and we talk about how it all applies to us right this very minute! We talk about God, and we have fun together too, so come and join us. The link will come out each week from Joanna, so be looking for it this coming Wednesday!
Thank you to all of those who faithfully give each week. Items mysteriously appear in the downstairs pantry which makes me smile every time I open the magic silver doors. We have been getting donations from others who use our church building and community members have been seen leaving items as well. This is a well utilized ministry. Stocking the pantry lightly on a daily basis seems to be successful in making sure that everyone who is in need gets at least something. Thank you for your ever faithful giving! If there are any questions or problems please contact Cheryl Assimon: [email protected]
Nick will be in the church office on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12-3pm. On Thursdays he will be holding “out of office hours” at The Works Café, in the plaza right around the corner. He will be there each week from 12-3…inside if it’s raining or hot, and outside if the weather permits. Just stop by and chat. The coffee is on him!
Joanna will be in the office Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9-12.
*Office holiday closures: Wednesday 12/25 and Wednesday 1/1*
The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays at 1:00pm in Room 10 for needlework (knitting, crocheting, weaving, etc.), and conversation. Yarn available for projects. Come join us!
Prayers for those dealing with health issues; Marlin Pierce, Beth, Kathy Maker, Bill Smith, Bill Rainbolt, Barb Rasmussen, Piper Toby, Pat Loz, Christopher Biggs, Stephanie Sherman, Ann Crocker Lawton, Susan C.; those dealing with addiction and those struggling to manage anxiety and fight depression. Contact the office to add or remove a prayer request.
If you have someone that would like a visit, please contact Pastor Nick at [email protected]
We are collecting winter coats, hats, gloves, scarves, and winter boots. We are not accepting any other kinds of clothing, only the items listed above. Drop off at: 155 Washington Ave, Albany NY, 1st floor. We are available to accept donations Monday - Thursday from 8AM - 430PM
On Tuesdays from 10am-12pm during the women's self-sufficiency classes, volunteers are needed to watch a small group (about 5-8), of children. Classes are held at the USCRI offices at 99 Pine Street, Albany. Volunteers are required to go through a full background check and must be 18+ (or 16+ with parents' permission). Contact Sara Weinman if you or someone you know is interested! Sara: (518) 992-5348, [email protected]
As many of you know, the cost of groceries has skyrocketed for families across the country, and this especially affects our newly arrived families who are just getting started here in the Capital Region. To help our clients with that, we do a few things. First, we connect them with their local food pantries where they can get free food and diapers. Second, we have a strong connection with the Bread of Life Food Pantry at the Agape Apostolic Church in Troy. Minister Anthony Lewis there prepares loads of groceries for our families every week, which volunteers then deliver.
And now we are trying out another strategy to save our clients some money in their first few weeks in the United States. The idea is that interested community groups will raise funds to support the first round of groceries that we place in every home before new families arrive. Many of you have volunteered for the grocery runs before in which we use the client's own funds to purchase the food. If we are able to rustle up a few sponsorships, our families will have more cash on hand as they get through those tough first few months.
Three easy steps to help a refugee family in your community today...
1. Your group raises between $150-$350 to buy groceries for a newly arriving family.
2. Contact Kelley Gourley, volunteer coordinator, to relay how much your group has raised.
3. When we have a family of the appropriate size for the amount you raised, you go shop for a family's groceries and deliver them!
Items you may donate to the pantry:
Dry Red Kidney Beans
Dry Lentils
Dry Chickpeas
Basmati Rice **
Fufu Flour (can be bought at African market)
Cooking Oil
School Supply Drive
We need all the basic school supplies; notebooks, folders, writing utensils and backpacks. Also, if you want to donate any fun items for the kids to personalize their backpacks like keychains or fidget toys, please feel free to have them sent to us or bring them into the office. If you are dropping off a few items please bring them to our front desk at 51 North Pearl, if you are bringing a large number of items, please bring them to 99 Pine Street, and let me know ahead of time, so that some others and I can assist with bringing the donations inside. I’ll attach our school supplies wish list along with our flyer.
School supplies list -
Most Requested Items
Bikes (for children and adults)
Sewing Machines
Pressure Cookers
Additionally, we have several clients who are going for job interviews, and for the interviews they are required to wear steel-toed boots. If they get the job, we are able to buy the boots for them, but for this trial interview they need some they can wear for just a short time. If you have any that are no longer in use, please let me know!
Hygiene Items
Bar Soap
Body Wash Shampoo*
Shaving Cream*
Feminine Pads (Highly needed)
Toilet Paper
Cleaning Supplies
Buckets *
Brooms and Dustpans*
Scrub Brush
Floor Cleaner Multi-purpose Cleaner*
Toilet Brush*
Laundry Detergent*
Dish Soap
Paper Towels
Trash Bags*
Household Goods
Large Trashcans w/ Lid*
Small trashcans
Laundry Baskets
Light bulbs Stationary Sets*
AC units and fans
Large Stock Pots*
Tea Kettles-Electric/Stovetop*
Rice Cookers*
Pots and Pans
Baking Dishes
Dish Drying Rack
Soup Bowls*
Cutting Boards
Silverware Organizers*
Dish Towels
Oven Mitts/Potholders Colander
Cooking Utensils
Kitchen Knives
Kitchen Scissors
Can Openers*
Drinking Glasses
Mixing Bowls
Come practice speaking English
Sunday afternoons at 3:00pm
Westminster Presbyterian Church, 85 Chestnut Street, Albany
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Drop by once or be a regular
Sponsored by: Journey United Church of Christ, Westminster Presbyterian Church and Refugee and Immigrant Support Services of Emmaus (RISSE)
For more information contact: [email protected] or Patrice Delehanty: [email protected]
Newtonville United Methodist Church is presently doing an outreach program for the Capital City Rescue Mission.
We have volunteered to serve dinner on the 2nd Monday of each month from 5:00 – 7:30pm. There are 5 volunteers needed each month to serve the guests. Young volunteers must be at least 16 years old and accompanied by an adult.
Parking is available across from the Mission in a closed DMV parking lot; the group that served in November met at NUMC to car pool. Mandatory: face masks, hair net, gloves and apron, which are all part of what the Mission supplies to the volunteers.
Please contact me if you are interested in this program or have any questions: Gail Cotler, 518-441-4853 phone/text or [email protected].
United Methodists and others wishing to provide humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian people in the wake of the Russian invasion of their country may contribute to Advance #982450, UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery. This fund will provide direct assistance to those in Ukraine as well as assistance to Ukrainians fleeing to neighboring countries.
Gifts to support the people of Ukraine can be made in the following ways:
The United Methodist community in Ukraine, though quite small, is actively engaged in assisting neighbors in need. Global Ministries is in touch with the church’s leadership as well as with church leaders in countries welcoming those who are fleeing from violence in Ukraine.
For those wishing to donate clothing to refugees, please consider the Muslim Donation Center, 350 Troy-Schenectady Rd, Latham. Clothing must washed and not be stained or ripped. All underwear, socks , pajamas must be new and never worn. Bedding must be clean and no stains or rips.
They accept donations on Tues & Sat, 10-12. Tues: 5:30-7:30 PM.
“I am writing in hopes of getting some virtual volunteers to write letters or send cards to our wonderful residents who are of the Methodist faith. Also if there are any links the church has where services are posted online or have different prayers etc. listed I would love to share that with our residents. We have been doing non-denominational services throughout COVID but our residents have asked for a connection with members of their Methodist faith. I would be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have and look forward to hearing from you by phone or email.” Cynthia Ellison Activity Director Hudson Park Rehab & Nursing Center 325 Northern Blvd. Albany, NY 12204 (518) 449-1100 ext. 3519 [email protected]
The Response magazine is an award-winning publication, is the official magazine of United Methodist Women and is published by the national office. Each issue will touch your heart, stir your soul, and challenge your mind. Topics and issues cover spiritual growth, mission outreach and reports on our local, national and international work. Here is the link: Password [email protected]; zip code 12110
Daily Devotionals are available at There is an app available for both Upper Room and Alive Now, so you can get them right on your phone or tablet. Printed copies are available in the elevator alcove.
Are you or is someone you know in need of financial assistance? The church has received gifts from individual's stimulus checks to use the funds to help those who may be in financial need during this difficult time. If you know of someone who may be struggling to feed their family, pay utilities, or otherwise meet basic expenses, please Karin in the office. If you are interested in adding to this fund please send your gift to the church, attention: Kathy Franklin. All donations and distributions will remain fully anonymous.
Food assistance is available through food pantries throughout the Capital Region. If you or someone you know is in need of food, you can locate a food pantry serving your community here:
The NUMC Little Food Pantry is available 24 hour per day/7 days per week for anyone in need of emergency food or personal care items. If you would like to donate simply leave your items in the food pantry cabinet, located in the rear parking lot.
Financial offerings can be mailed to the office, either in your regular offering envelopes or marked "Attn: Financial Secretary" to P.O. Box 7, Newtonville, NY 12128. For electronic giving on a regular basis, please contact the church office and we will put David in touch with you to set that up through Vanco. We sincerely appreciate your continued financial support.
The YouTube link for the worship livestream is below. Clink on the link, and once on our page, click on the word "LIVE" and you'll be connected to our live broadcast. If you want to watch later in the day, you clink on this same link and follow the same process.
Lunch in the Lounge
Each Wednesday from 12-1pm.
Starts Wednesday February 5th. Bring a brown bag lunch and come hang out with Pastor Nick and others from the church and our local community. The coffee pot will be on, and our doors will be open to all for coffee, conversation, and companionship!
Men’s Breakfast
On the 2nd Saturday of each month, we will gather at 8am at the 76 Diner in Latham for our new Men’s Breakfast. Our first breakfast will be Saturday February 8th!
Come and bring a friend. All are welcome!
Upcoming Worship Themes:
1st Sunday/Communion Sunday:
We will engage more fully in the communion liturgy as Brandon teaches us the sung responses to the Prayer of Thanksgiving. We will be ready to sing the parts on Sunday October 6.
2nd Sunday/Mission Sunday:
Following the sermon, we will have a “Mission Moment”, which will include a conversation about a specific mission focus for the month, and a mission project that we will complete right during worship!
3rd Sunday/Peace with Justice Sunday:
We will begin to focus on our Reconciling and Anti-Racism work, and take a moment during this service to engage in conversation and activism around this important work.
4th Sunday/Youth Sunday:
Young people will take on worship leadership roles during this service, and our Children’s Church kids will share a song, or a skit, or something relevant to their experience here at NUMC.
5th Sunday/Variety of Voices Sunday:
Guest preachers will share their wisdom and experiences with us on the months that have a 5th Sunday. We will look to bring in folks with diverse backgrounds and experiences.
Our 2025 Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, April 12th. Start saving your no-longer-needed treasures!
Brooks Barbecue dates for 2025:
Thursday, May 8
Thursday, June 5
Thursday, September 11
Thursday, October 2
Prices are:
Chicken dinner $16
Chicken only $9
If you are willing and able, we can always use help on prep days and the day of the barbecue. Another easy way to support this fund raiser is to bake brownies. Boxes of mix and instructions will be available in the GK Lounge the week of the barbecues.
Sunday School is now called Children’s Church! During this time our young people will experience church, but on a kid’s level…they will meet in Room 4, immediately following the Children's Message, where they will worship with music and video to learn a new song each week, then they will listen a bible story from an age- appropriate translation and do a fun activity in response to the reading. Sunday school elements, but in a slightly different format. It will take us all a while to have Children’s Church roll off of our tongues, but we pray that the new name and format will help grow our program!
We are looking for volunteers to help out in Children's Church. You will not have to teach every week, you will be added to a rotation schedule. The curriculum, activity and schedule will be prepared ahead of time by Stephanie Ramkissoon, the Coordinator of Youth and Family Ministries. The volunteers are in charge of administering the lesson plan and aiding the youth in the activity. See Stephanie if you should have any questions!
[email protected]
Our new Youth Zone program is for teens in grades 6-12. Twice a month during coffee hour, Stephanie and other volunteers are gathering with the youth in the youth room for games and snacks, and opportunities to build community together. The kids have given it rave reviews thus far, and we hope to begin having Youth Zone every week.
If you have never checked out our Zoom Bible Study on Wednesday evenings, we encourage you to give it a try! We gather on Zoom at 7pm, and begin with an opening prayer, a few minutes of silence, a song, and then we have a group conversation about the scripture lessons for the upcoming weekend. We often end with a video clip about a contemporary theological idea, and we talk about how it all applies to us right this very minute! We talk about God, and we have fun together too, so come and join us. The link will come out each week from Joanna, so be looking for it this coming Wednesday!
Thank you to all of those who faithfully give each week. Items mysteriously appear in the downstairs pantry which makes me smile every time I open the magic silver doors. We have been getting donations from others who use our church building and community members have been seen leaving items as well. This is a well utilized ministry. Stocking the pantry lightly on a daily basis seems to be successful in making sure that everyone who is in need gets at least something. Thank you for your ever faithful giving! If there are any questions or problems please contact Cheryl Assimon: [email protected]
Nick will be in the church office on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12-3pm. On Thursdays he will be holding “out of office hours” at The Works Café, in the plaza right around the corner. He will be there each week from 12-3…inside if it’s raining or hot, and outside if the weather permits. Just stop by and chat. The coffee is on him!
Joanna will be in the office Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9-12.
*Office holiday closures: Wednesday 12/25 and Wednesday 1/1*
The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays at 1:00pm in Room 10 for needlework (knitting, crocheting, weaving, etc.), and conversation. Yarn available for projects. Come join us!
Prayers for those dealing with health issues; Marlin Pierce, Beth, Kathy Maker, Bill Smith, Bill Rainbolt, Barb Rasmussen, Piper Toby, Pat Loz, Christopher Biggs, Stephanie Sherman, Ann Crocker Lawton, Susan C.; those dealing with addiction and those struggling to manage anxiety and fight depression. Contact the office to add or remove a prayer request.
If you have someone that would like a visit, please contact Pastor Nick at [email protected]
We are collecting winter coats, hats, gloves, scarves, and winter boots. We are not accepting any other kinds of clothing, only the items listed above. Drop off at: 155 Washington Ave, Albany NY, 1st floor. We are available to accept donations Monday - Thursday from 8AM - 430PM
On Tuesdays from 10am-12pm during the women's self-sufficiency classes, volunteers are needed to watch a small group (about 5-8), of children. Classes are held at the USCRI offices at 99 Pine Street, Albany. Volunteers are required to go through a full background check and must be 18+ (or 16+ with parents' permission). Contact Sara Weinman if you or someone you know is interested! Sara: (518) 992-5348, [email protected]
As many of you know, the cost of groceries has skyrocketed for families across the country, and this especially affects our newly arrived families who are just getting started here in the Capital Region. To help our clients with that, we do a few things. First, we connect them with their local food pantries where they can get free food and diapers. Second, we have a strong connection with the Bread of Life Food Pantry at the Agape Apostolic Church in Troy. Minister Anthony Lewis there prepares loads of groceries for our families every week, which volunteers then deliver.
And now we are trying out another strategy to save our clients some money in their first few weeks in the United States. The idea is that interested community groups will raise funds to support the first round of groceries that we place in every home before new families arrive. Many of you have volunteered for the grocery runs before in which we use the client's own funds to purchase the food. If we are able to rustle up a few sponsorships, our families will have more cash on hand as they get through those tough first few months.
Three easy steps to help a refugee family in your community today...
1. Your group raises between $150-$350 to buy groceries for a newly arriving family.
2. Contact Kelley Gourley, volunteer coordinator, to relay how much your group has raised.
3. When we have a family of the appropriate size for the amount you raised, you go shop for a family's groceries and deliver them!
Items you may donate to the pantry:
Dry Red Kidney Beans
Dry Lentils
Dry Chickpeas
Basmati Rice **
Fufu Flour (can be bought at African market)
Cooking Oil
School Supply Drive
We need all the basic school supplies; notebooks, folders, writing utensils and backpacks. Also, if you want to donate any fun items for the kids to personalize their backpacks like keychains or fidget toys, please feel free to have them sent to us or bring them into the office. If you are dropping off a few items please bring them to our front desk at 51 North Pearl, if you are bringing a large number of items, please bring them to 99 Pine Street, and let me know ahead of time, so that some others and I can assist with bringing the donations inside. I’ll attach our school supplies wish list along with our flyer.
School supplies list -
Most Requested Items
Bikes (for children and adults)
Sewing Machines
Pressure Cookers
Additionally, we have several clients who are going for job interviews, and for the interviews they are required to wear steel-toed boots. If they get the job, we are able to buy the boots for them, but for this trial interview they need some they can wear for just a short time. If you have any that are no longer in use, please let me know!
Hygiene Items
Bar Soap
Body Wash Shampoo*
Shaving Cream*
Feminine Pads (Highly needed)
Toilet Paper
Cleaning Supplies
Buckets *
Brooms and Dustpans*
Scrub Brush
Floor Cleaner Multi-purpose Cleaner*
Toilet Brush*
Laundry Detergent*
Dish Soap
Paper Towels
Trash Bags*
Household Goods
Large Trashcans w/ Lid*
Small trashcans
Laundry Baskets
Light bulbs Stationary Sets*
AC units and fans
Large Stock Pots*
Tea Kettles-Electric/Stovetop*
Rice Cookers*
Pots and Pans
Baking Dishes
Dish Drying Rack
Soup Bowls*
Cutting Boards
Silverware Organizers*
Dish Towels
Oven Mitts/Potholders Colander
Cooking Utensils
Kitchen Knives
Kitchen Scissors
Can Openers*
Drinking Glasses
Mixing Bowls
Come practice speaking English
Sunday afternoons at 3:00pm
Westminster Presbyterian Church, 85 Chestnut Street, Albany
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Drop by once or be a regular
Sponsored by: Journey United Church of Christ, Westminster Presbyterian Church and Refugee and Immigrant Support Services of Emmaus (RISSE)
For more information contact: [email protected] or Patrice Delehanty: [email protected]
Newtonville United Methodist Church is presently doing an outreach program for the Capital City Rescue Mission.
We have volunteered to serve dinner on the 2nd Monday of each month from 5:00 – 7:30pm. There are 5 volunteers needed each month to serve the guests. Young volunteers must be at least 16 years old and accompanied by an adult.
Parking is available across from the Mission in a closed DMV parking lot; the group that served in November met at NUMC to car pool. Mandatory: face masks, hair net, gloves and apron, which are all part of what the Mission supplies to the volunteers.
Please contact me if you are interested in this program or have any questions: Gail Cotler, 518-441-4853 phone/text or [email protected].
United Methodists and others wishing to provide humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian people in the wake of the Russian invasion of their country may contribute to Advance #982450, UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery. This fund will provide direct assistance to those in Ukraine as well as assistance to Ukrainians fleeing to neighboring countries.
Gifts to support the people of Ukraine can be made in the following ways:
- Online at
- By toll-free telephone: 888-252-6174
- By check made out to Global Ministries/UMCOR with “Advance #982450-Ukraine” written on the memo line, either mailed and addressed to Global Ministries/UMCOR, GPO, P.O. Box 9068, New York, NY, 10087-9068 or given at or through any United Methodist church
The United Methodist community in Ukraine, though quite small, is actively engaged in assisting neighbors in need. Global Ministries is in touch with the church’s leadership as well as with church leaders in countries welcoming those who are fleeing from violence in Ukraine.
For those wishing to donate clothing to refugees, please consider the Muslim Donation Center, 350 Troy-Schenectady Rd, Latham. Clothing must washed and not be stained or ripped. All underwear, socks , pajamas must be new and never worn. Bedding must be clean and no stains or rips.
They accept donations on Tues & Sat, 10-12. Tues: 5:30-7:30 PM.
“I am writing in hopes of getting some virtual volunteers to write letters or send cards to our wonderful residents who are of the Methodist faith. Also if there are any links the church has where services are posted online or have different prayers etc. listed I would love to share that with our residents. We have been doing non-denominational services throughout COVID but our residents have asked for a connection with members of their Methodist faith. I would be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have and look forward to hearing from you by phone or email.” Cynthia Ellison Activity Director Hudson Park Rehab & Nursing Center 325 Northern Blvd. Albany, NY 12204 (518) 449-1100 ext. 3519 [email protected]
The Response magazine is an award-winning publication, is the official magazine of United Methodist Women and is published by the national office. Each issue will touch your heart, stir your soul, and challenge your mind. Topics and issues cover spiritual growth, mission outreach and reports on our local, national and international work. Here is the link: Password [email protected]; zip code 12110
Daily Devotionals are available at There is an app available for both Upper Room and Alive Now, so you can get them right on your phone or tablet. Printed copies are available in the elevator alcove.
Are you or is someone you know in need of financial assistance? The church has received gifts from individual's stimulus checks to use the funds to help those who may be in financial need during this difficult time. If you know of someone who may be struggling to feed their family, pay utilities, or otherwise meet basic expenses, please Karin in the office. If you are interested in adding to this fund please send your gift to the church, attention: Kathy Franklin. All donations and distributions will remain fully anonymous.
Food assistance is available through food pantries throughout the Capital Region. If you or someone you know is in need of food, you can locate a food pantry serving your community here:
The NUMC Little Food Pantry is available 24 hour per day/7 days per week for anyone in need of emergency food or personal care items. If you would like to donate simply leave your items in the food pantry cabinet, located in the rear parking lot.
Financial offerings can be mailed to the office, either in your regular offering envelopes or marked "Attn: Financial Secretary" to P.O. Box 7, Newtonville, NY 12128. For electronic giving on a regular basis, please contact the church office and we will put David in touch with you to set that up through Vanco. We sincerely appreciate your continued financial support.