“The enlightened ruler is heedful, and the good general full of caution.” -Sun Tzu
Many of us are anxious to get back to in-person, both because we long for human connection and because we’re seeking form semblance of normalcy. At the recommendation of the Upper New York Conference, and because it just makes good sense, the Church Council has formed a Reopening Taskforce. This team will work through all of the requirements and regulations, and determine how best to apply them here in our worship space at Newtonville.
The members of the Taskforce are: Gail Cotler (Trustee and Custodial Liaison); Pam LaCasio (Lay Leader); Dr. Bryan Goddard (physician); Sandy Stevenson and Penny Tallman (SPRC members); Joan Schneider (school nurse); Kathy Franklin (Finance Secretary and BBQs); and Pastor Steve. The team met by Zoom on June 8, and will continue meeting regularly to develop and review plans for returning to in-person worship.
By now you have likely heard that New York State is allowing churches to resume in-person worship at 25% capacity during phase 2, which we are currently in. While some churches have already returned to their sanctuaries or plan to very soon, our Reopening Taskforce has met and feels that in order to do this well and not put people at unnecessary risk we would be best to hold off a little and resume in-person worship on Sunday, August 2.
We know that this may seem like a long time from now, however the Taskforce needs time to develop policies (required by New York State), work through all of the logistical challenges, and determine best practices for us. The team will also be rehearsing with those who will be in Sunday leadership to make things operate as smoothly as possible. This is a challenging proposition. We appreciate your patience, and we treasure your prayers.
Peace for the journey,
Pastor Steve
Many of us are anxious to get back to in-person, both because we long for human connection and because we’re seeking form semblance of normalcy. At the recommendation of the Upper New York Conference, and because it just makes good sense, the Church Council has formed a Reopening Taskforce. This team will work through all of the requirements and regulations, and determine how best to apply them here in our worship space at Newtonville.
The members of the Taskforce are: Gail Cotler (Trustee and Custodial Liaison); Pam LaCasio (Lay Leader); Dr. Bryan Goddard (physician); Sandy Stevenson and Penny Tallman (SPRC members); Joan Schneider (school nurse); Kathy Franklin (Finance Secretary and BBQs); and Pastor Steve. The team met by Zoom on June 8, and will continue meeting regularly to develop and review plans for returning to in-person worship.
By now you have likely heard that New York State is allowing churches to resume in-person worship at 25% capacity during phase 2, which we are currently in. While some churches have already returned to their sanctuaries or plan to very soon, our Reopening Taskforce has met and feels that in order to do this well and not put people at unnecessary risk we would be best to hold off a little and resume in-person worship on Sunday, August 2.
We know that this may seem like a long time from now, however the Taskforce needs time to develop policies (required by New York State), work through all of the logistical challenges, and determine best practices for us. The team will also be rehearsing with those who will be in Sunday leadership to make things operate as smoothly as possible. This is a challenging proposition. We appreciate your patience, and we treasure your prayers.
Peace for the journey,
Pastor Steve